When planning or coordinating a wedding, you never know what issues may come up that day. Take for instance, this wedding. Wonderful couple and family and just a joy to work with. The only issue...allergies caused by a little lily. Now who would think that this delicate flower would cause an issue? After all, it doesn't even look like a Lily. But it is, indeed, a Lily. It's a type of Lily that you see as filler in a lot of bouquets you can order on-line. It's official name is Alstroemeria, a Peruvian Lily. The story goes...as the flowers arrived, the mother of the groom, who has a terrible allergy to Lily's, discovered that she was having an allergic reaction. ( I believe this allergy was communicated, but maybe the florist didn't know it was a Lily either, :-) don't know, but it got lost in translation somehow). The groomsmen, fathers and grandfathers all had white roses and the Lily's attached...except the groom who just had roses. I really didn't think they were Lily's. The groom's father and I were using our phones, with limited WiFi available, to Google the flower to see if it indeed was a Lily. I texted my husband, who knows flowers better than me, and he came back with the name and indeed it was a Lily. Now what!? Well, we just took the Lily's out of all of the men's boutonnieres, then the groom and I took them out of the centerpieces in the Chapel. The Lily's were too incorporated in the bridesmaids bouquets so we left them. The mother-of-the groom was a great sport. She just took some Benadryl and made it through without too much of a problem and had a great attitude. She did have a epi shot which I made sure of. Whew!
Here is the little culprit...
The plain white rose looked just great after we took the Lily off.
On to the good part...the Wedding:
Wedding Music:
Seating of the Grandparents and Parents: Hallelujah
Wedding Party: Song for Sienna
Bridal Entry: A Walk Through the Forest
Unity Candle: In Christ Alone
Recessional - You Make My Dreams
Finally...a bride as tall as me! :-) It's not often I get to look a bride in the eye at 5'11", it's rare. Lauren and Alex were a great couple to work with as well as their families.
This was a great dress for Lauren. She's nice and thin, so she can wear this type of dress.
The ceremony was very meaningful, personable and Christ-centered.
I didn't get a close-up of the pew décor, but there were wood plaques with words from I Corinthians 13 on them, such as: Love is...Patient, Kind, etc.
Giving of the bride
Here's an idea why photographers get great pictures. :-)
Just married!!
Colors were teal and choral. I'm guessing everyone had their idea of what teal is. I know that everyone wants to feel comfortable in the dress they choose, which can be an issue for sure. They were happy, which is what matters. :-)
The groomsmen
Lauren just embraced the day and had fun with it!
The flower girl and ring bearer
I asked them for a personality shot...got it! :-) Fun!
Mother of the groom moment...sweet!
It was a lovely and really loving wedding, I was glad to be a part of it!