Tuesday, November 26, 2013

August Wedding

Finally posting my August wedding. Kristy and Austin. What a sweet couple! Here is a picture that they sent me after the wedding. This was just a very easy couple to work with and their families were wonderful. This was their wedding party outside the Denton Bible chapel.

Here is the wedding music:
Seating of the Grandparents and Parents: Come Thou Fount
Wedding party - The Processional
Presentation of the Bride - The Processional
Congregational Song - In Christ Alone
Wedding Song - Love Never Fails
Unity Sand Song - A Page is Turned
Recessional - random instrumental
Here are some of the pictures I took
These are the beautiful flowers trying to revive in ice water. You can't really tell, but the Hydrangeas were wilting a bit. It was a hot day and they were taking pictures outside for a few hours. We put them in ice water for a while and they started to revive a bit. The flowers were beautiful and colorful.

During the wedding ceremony (another professional pic)
Praying with their parents during the ceremony
Guest book table with the couple and their parents wedding pictures
Adorable picture! This is the flower girl that came down the aisle in a wagon. She did great! She was so cute!
This is the wagon that was used in the wedding. I forgot to take a picture during the ceremony. This is the ring bearer taking it out of the chapel.
Just married!!
Kristy and Austin
Fun picture
The day was hot so they had a little trouble with the flower, but other than that, it was all beautiful. Kristi was very sweet and e-mailed me some pics after their wedding. It's so nice to hear from the bride after the wedding. :-) 


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